Add web chat to your contact center

Add chat to your contact center

Chat has become the most popular way of contacting an organization. For web shops, customer contact centers and support desk it is extremely relevant to add the option to chat with your customers. Most organizations use Teams internally and use a standalone application to chat with external contacts. But often this leads to issues since agents are on the phone and not able to accept the chat, or chat interrupts while on the phone. With uWebChat, you can enable your uCallManager agents for web chat. uWebChat is based on the same Teams Presence status that uCallManager is based on to route calls. And of course, uWebChat is also based on Microsoft Teams. 

uCallManager Desktop
uCallManager Desktop

Supports 68 languages, no native agents required

uWebChat uses the powerful Azure Cognitive Services to automatically translate conversations real time. Your agents can chat in any world language now and your customers can communicate with you in their own language.

Presence based chat

When offering chat to your customers it better be good. How often did you click the chat button on a web site, only to wait endlessly for an agent. A real disaster for your company image. Presence based web chat brings the solution. uWebChat only routes a chat conversation to an available Teams agent and also takes service times into consideration. You can even enable your uCallManager groups for uWebChat. No chat options when the company is closed or when all agents are occupied. 

uCallManager Desktop